As a federation, we strive to keep our children both safe and active to and from school. We have worked hard over the year to promote safe and active travel and worked closely with local MP's, residents and parents.
Park and stride
The federation has established a Park and Stride scheme. This scheme runs from the Community Centre in Lowford to School. Using this scheme means you can park at the Community Centre and walk up to school, therefore reducing the traffic outside of school.
Voluntary one-way system
During the times of school drop off and collection, we ask parents to follow a voluntary one-way system. By doing this we are able to keep the flow of traffic running and reduce traffic congestion. The one-way system means entering Long Lane from School Lane end and exiting Long Lane via the A27 end. We are so grateful to all our parents who follow this to keep our children safe.
School Travel Plan
In order to help get everyone to and from school each day safely we have worked with a number of interested parties to create a Federated Travel Plan. Through the travel plan, we hope that all members of our school community will be better able to make informed decisions about using sustainable modes of transport.
bursledon federation travel plan 2024 2025.pdf
Modeshift Stars!
We are extremely proud to currently hold our green status for Modeshift STARS. Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.