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Welcome to our information page for Early Years Foundation Stage classes - also know as our Reception Classes; Dolphins Class, Octopus Class and Rainbow Fish Class. 

We are really looking forward to getting to know all of our new pupils for September 2023 - and we are excited to be meeting you all in the up and coming weeks as we begin our transition. 

New to our school? Below you find the links to some important forms that need to be completed when your child joins Bursledon Infant School in one of our Reception classes.  Click here for our EYFS policy. 


Autumn Term 1

Wow!! The first part of our Autumn term is flying by and we have been learning so much about school!

We can now put on our wellies and coats so we can go out and explore the field and woodland. The children have loved the rainy weather as they have been finding big puddles to jump in!

We have been developing our listening skills to help us get ready to learn letter sounds. 

We are learning to recognise and write our names. We use the pencil rap to help us hold our pencils correctly. 


 We have now started learning our phase two phonics sounds. We learn four sounds per week and accompany these with cued articulation actions. These actions help us to remember the sounds. They are based on where the sound comes from in your mouth, for example, if it comes from your lips, tongue or throat. The lovely Miss Morris has recorded the sounds for you to practice at home. 



 Your child has now come home with a 'Learn to Read' book and a learning log. Our Learn to Read books cover the sounds we have been learning in school and some tricky words (common exception words). Please read at least three times per week with your child and record this in their learning log. Children who read three times per week are a 'regular reader' and will be invited to a reading reward at the end of each half term. The lovely Mrs Blewitt has recorded a video so you can see what reading at home should look like and this has been sent home on Tapestry.



Autumn two

What a busy half term it has been!

Our topic was 'Awesome Autumn'. We explored the seasonal changes happening in our environment and talked about what we noticed. We went on a leaf hunt around school and had a pumpkin day! We cut open the pumpkins to explore what was inside, planted our own pumpkin seeds and made pumpkin soup. It was very yummy!

We read the story 'The Scarecrow's Wedding'. We then had our own wedding ceremony where the children wore their fancy clothes and two pretended to get married. We then had a dance and the children ate a biscuit they had decorated. 

The children were so excited to see snow! We put on our coats and wellies and headed straight outside. The children found frost and ice and caught snowflakes on their tongues. Some even tried to make snow angels! This also meant we could compare winter weather to autumn weather. We talked about what clothes we wear in the different seasons and how the trees change.

We had lots to celebrate this half term! We learned about Remembrance Day, Diwali and Children in Need. During our RE day we learned about why we celebrate Christmas and about the nativity story. We performed our own superb nativity show and visited our local church, St. Leonard's, for our Christmas service. Finally, we had a class party and festive lunch.

Autumn two


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