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At The Federation of Bursledon Schools, we are committed to establishing a safe, nurturing and stimulating learning environment, where the education and welfare of pupils is given the highest priority.   

For a child to reach their full educational potential a high level of attendance is essential.  Parents/carers and teachers share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all.  

 Good attendance is important because:  

  • Regular attenders make better progress, both socially and academically  
  • Regular attenders find friendships, school routines and school work easier to cope with  
  • Regular attenders are more successful in transferring between primary school, secondary school and higher education, employment or training 

It is important that you are on time for your child’s year group start time. Registration takes place in the first 10 minutes of  the day  and then closes 20 minutes later.  If a child arrives after this time it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. 

For all year groups across the Federation, the gates open in the morning at 8.30am and close at 8.40am. Anyone arriving after this time will need to enter school via the office in the Hub and will be recorded as late. 

Our Infant School day finishes at 3:05pm and the Junior School at 3.10pm.


You must phone school to inform us if your child is too ill to attend school.  If we do not receive a call from you, we will contact you.  If we are unable to make contact with you, we will attempt to make contact with other emergency contacts you have given us.  If we are still unable to make any contact we will make a home visit.
Only genuine absence will be authorised.  You will be required to provide medical evidence/certificates if your child has a poor attendance record.  

See the chart below if you are unsure if you should send your child to school. 


Medical Appointments 

If possible you must ensure that medical appointments are made outside of school time.   



Holidays are no longer authorised in term time. If you have a special circumstance you can ask the school office for a Leave of Absence Form. Each case will be reviewed independently. Please be aware if days are unauthorised this could result in a penalty notice being requested.  Failure to pay can result in court action. 


There is a lot of helpful information in our Attendance Policy which can be accessed via this link.


Bursledon Federation Attendance Protocol 

Attendance Protocol

 Attendance Guidance for Parents


Possible Penalty Notice for non-attendance 



illness grid for parents.pdf