After School Clubs
Spring 1 2025 -
Please see the list of Afterschool clubs that we are offering for the next half-term for both the Infant and Junior School. The clubs will start on Monday 6th January and run until Friday 14th February.
Please be aware that invites for before and afterschool booster sessions for Years 2 & 6 will be sent out shortly. May we kindly ask that you do not book any clubs for your child which fall on the same day as the boosters.
Clubs will go live in the system on Wednesday 4th December at 5pm and they will be taken off line on Monday 16th October. You will be able to see your bookings by looking on the “My bookings” tab.
Please note that these clubs will not run on Monday 27th January due to being an inset day.
· KS1 Club collection is from main Infant School entrance at 4.05pm
· KS2 Club collection is from main Junior School entrance at 4.15pm
Following the introduction of School Spider the sign up process is different. In bookings and payments you will see the option of afterschool clubs along the top.
Click on this and you will see a product for each club below listed.
Choose the club that you would like to book. This will then bring up all the weeks that the club runs for. You will need to tick on all of these weeks to make your booking.
Then add these to your cart (you can use your vouchers for these clubs), checkout and confirm your order.
Please note:
· that if we do not meet minimum numbers for a club, we will not be able to run this and a refund will be issued.
· that once a club has been signed up to, you will not be able to request a refund if your child changes their mind.
Once your booking has been made, after a few days you will be invited to complete a survey form which will let us know the information we need for our registers.
Infant School
KS1 Tri-Golf – Monday 3.05-4.05pm - £16.25 - 5 weeks
Tri Golf-Learn a range of putting and driving skills and take on the tri-golf challenges as well as creating your own mini games.
Maximum of 16 pupils
KS1 Jump, Climb, Wriggle and move – Tuesday 7.45am to 8.30am - £19.50 – 6 weeks
Do all the above at this club as we get out all of the apparatus in the hall and explore how to control our bodies in different ways and show control and balance whilst doing do.
Maximum of 16 pupils
KS1 Film Club - Tuesday 3:05-4:05pm - £19.50 – 6 Weeks
Snuggle up with pillows in a classroom and relax after school with a film and friends. Bring a snack each week to enjoy whilst the film is playing to really enhance the school cinema experience.
Maximum of 25 pupils
KS1 Little Kicks – Tuesday 3.05pm -4.00pm –External – payment direct to provider 6 Weeks £25.38
A football skills club run by a futsal coach. Learn ball mastery skills and play in small sided games with a very highly qualified coach.
Use the link below to sign up Bursledon | Learning Through Sport
Southampton FC Coaching – Years 1 & 2 Friday 3.05pm to 4.00pm – payment direct to provider – Whole term sign up
Bookings will open on Wednesday 4th December @ 12pm and will not appear on the website until the time stated. Any queries, please call 02380 711950
Junior School
KS2 Film Club – Monday 3.15-4.15pm - £19.50 – 6 weeks
Snuggle up with pillows in a classroom and relax after school with a film and friends. Bring a snack each week to enjoy whilst the film is playing to really enhance the school cinema experience.
Maximum of 30 pupils
Shine Musical Mash-up – 3.15pm - 4.30pm – Whole Term Sign up until Easter Hols (External) £68.75
Open to year groups 2 – 6 – Starting Wednesday 15th January 2025
- Do you have a budding Simba or Nala at home?
- Does your child aspire of playing Belle or Gaston, Ariel or Eric, Aladdin or Jasmine.
- Do they love Disney?
- Do they love singing, acting and dancing.
- Are they always performing and playing to the crowd.
- Do they like to be part of a stage production.
Then try out at the after school club with Shine Performing Arts. Please see attached flyer.
Your email details will be sent to Shine Performing Arts who will then contact you via email with a registration form and payment details. Sometimes emails can go to your Junk/Spam folder so please check.
Payment is made directly to Shine Performing Arts.
KS2 Tri-Golf - Thursday 3.15-4.15pm - £19.50 – 6 weeks
Learn a range of putting and driving skills and take on the tri-golf challenges as well as creating your own mini games.
Maximum of 30 pupils.
KS2 Arts and Craft Club – Thursday 3.15-4.15pm - £22.50 – 6 weeks
The KS2 Arts and Crafts Club is a fun and educational space where children can explore the world of art, learn new techniques, and make lasting memories through creative expression. Whether working individually or as a group, every child’s unique artistic style will be celebrated.
Maximum 15 pupils
Southern Karate –Thursday 3.15–4.15pm - £6.00 pay as you go (must be registered)
Non contact Karate taught by fully qualified instructors teaching traditional karate, see leaflet attached for additional details. To register for a space, please email
Payment is direct to Karate
KS2 Girls Football – Thursday - 3.15–4.15pm – External - payment direct to provider – 6 weeks £25.38
Coach Will returns to oversee this girl only club. He is a UEFA B licence coach and will help the girls develop their skills and apply them into games.
Please see link to join the waiting list Bursledon | Learning Through Sport
KS2 Fitness Club – Friday 7.45am to 8.30am - £19.50 – 6 weeks
Start the day with lots of movement as we complete circuit training each week. Week 1 will be finding out our current levels of fitness with the infamous Bleep Test and then as we train up each week, we will test again to see if we have improved our scores!
Maximum of 30 pupils.
Southampton FC Coaching – Years 3 - 6 Friday 3.15pm to 4.15pm – payment direct to provider – Whole term sign up
Bookings will open on Wednesday 4th December @ 12pm and will not appear on the website until the time stated. Any queries, please call 02380 711950